Standards – Do you have them?

Over the past decade, my philosophy on life and success has undergone a profound transformation. I used to fluctuate between easily being motivated and unmotivated. I often pointed fingers at external circumstances beyond my control for my situation, consistently shifting blame away from myself. However, a single, simple adjustment altered the course of my life. I decided to take full responsibility for my actions, and this shift, which took approximately 22 years of my adult life, significantly changed my perspective on the world and the results I achieved in my physical, mental, and financial endeavors.

Looking back on my younger self, I can’t help but chuckle. I see so many individuals exhibiting similar traits. They frequently settle for less, clutching onto meager resources and unrealistic dreams, hoping for a superhero to swoop in and save the day. But the truth is, no superhero is coming to your rescue, divine intervention won’t do it for you, your significant other can’t do it either, and your idol won’t magically appear to help you reach your desired destination. The only person capable of achieving that is YOU. It all begins with setting a standard.

Standards are the cornerstone of establishing consistent, positive habits. Let’s take the example of running a mile in under 6 minutes, a standard set in my high school years for making the varsity basketball team. It didn’t matter how skilled you were on the court; if you couldn’t complete the mile in under 6 minutes, you weren’t given the chance to play. This standard was met by those who were truly committed to being a part of the varsity high school basketball team.

My advice to anyone striving for success in any domain is straightforward: set standards. Develop a daily expectation that you and your peers should never fall below. The purpose of these standards is to consistently raise the bar, so even during low points, you are still performing well because you’ve learned to uphold these standards.

Your goals should always surpass your standards. This is what propels you to reach new heights and accomplish the seemingly impossible. We all start with zero knowledge in life, but as we gain experience (not just age), we improve. And as we improve, we should never accept regression. Achieving a goal is an ongoing process that demands consistent effort and time. Will it be challenging? Absolutely. Will it be worth it? A resounding yes! Will sacrifices be necessary? Without a doubt. If you have more questions about this, it might indicate you’re not yet prepared to embark on a new goal. Take the time to figure it out, then set high standards, create SMART goals, and go for it