We are Divided

It’s that time again. The election is around the corner! Let me start by saying SHAME ON US. This week marked the 22 year anniversary of the 911 attacks. Despite the many mysteries that have surrounded the 911 attacks. The facts are horrible. Nearly 3000 people were killed here on American soil. To be completely honest I was not a proud American before the 911 attacks. My view was marred by racism, slavery and my personal accomplishments in my life. I blamed my social, economic and current status in life on my parents, teachers, friends and the country I was born and raised in. This tragedy helped me turn my self-inflicted nightmare of a life into a living dream. This was a mindset. I am still working toward my goals 22 years later. The 911 attacks taught me that WE the people of the country are all deemed the same by most of our allies and enemies from other countries. When the attacks were plotted the attackers were not trying to kill only black, white, or latin americans. They were not trying to kill men or women. They weren’t trying to kill old or young people. They were not trying to kill straight or gay people. They were trying to kill Americans, This they did!

In 2012 I noticed a significant change in political culture. Before this time you did not talk about politics and religion with people who had different views. I always thought this was not an appropriate approach. Difficult conversations are needed to understand and to make progress. Not having these conversions does not fix the problem, in fact I believe it makes them worse. From the years of 2008-2020 cop violence on “blacks” was highlighted in America. About 100 people are killed by cops per month in the USA 28% of these are black. Most cases NEVER make national news unless it appears to be unlawful. Then the media including social media makes it go viral. The comments people leave in the sections under these cop killings are hateful and concerning. This cop killing happens to white people too. You never hear about it on the news. WHY? I have some educated guesses. The hate for “OUR” president Donald Trump brought out the worst from both sides. To make matters worse the Democratic party was represented by a candidate who had made many unfavorable remarks about people of color. So once again the topic of our country was racism. Was it really? When racism was not the topic it was gender ideology. Both topics are emotional and when people tend to discuss these topics the emotions get involved and individuals refuse to listen and or respect other people’s point of views. There are many people I do not like, or agree with the way they approach life. I do however support their freedom to think and be who they want to be as long as they are not hurting other people or teaching hate. I became a far middle independent thinker during these times. I may not be right all the time. I refuse to be strapped to a side and feel obligated to support it even when I know the side I am supporting is not doing what is expected. However I have watched people on both sides, left and right manipulate information in order to hold their side on a pedestal.
Imagine if you went to buy a house and the listing agent did not show you the house you favored. What they did was tell you how bad the other houses were. Instead of allowing the house to prove to be worthy they attempted to highlight all the negative factors about the other houses. Does this sound familiar to you? This is similar to our political system. I personally don’t trust anyone who talks negatively about someone else consistently. It does not make you better if you push other people down. To be honest it makes you part of the problem. I rather hear people talk and do what they say they are going to do, rather than to run someone else’s name through the mud.
The first time I voted and the candidate I voted for did not win was during the 2000 election. George Bush beat out Gore. Though I wanted Gore to be the president, I supported Bush because I realize that “WE” the people need to stick together even when we do not agree we still are on the same team. I believe that as a country we used to be that way. Today I hear from both sides “that’s not my President” and the DEMS or the Republicans. We need to get back to being Americans. WE are better than this. We will not improve if we continue to fight among each other. Unity we stand, divided we fall. We are falling and if we fall it will not be to a Democrat or a Republican, it will be to another country and life as we know it will be different. We all can think and be different and work together for a common goal. I love ALL my American people!

Thank you for reading

Your friend