As the new year unfolds, countless individuals find themselves inspired to make positive changes. Weight loss, quitting smoking or drinking, spending more time with family, and increasing income are among the common aspirations. Achieving these goals is entirely possible, yet a significant majority, around 80% or more, abandon their resolutions within the initial weeks of the year.
Reflecting on my past New Year’s resolutions, I aimed to quit smoking on seven different occasions. Despite temporary successes, lasting up to three months each time, and two instances of abstaining for over a year within a span of 13 years, my final and successful quit happened on a random day in 2009. It’s worth noting that I had started making lifestyle changes well before completely overcoming the habit.
Your actions shape who you become. Consistent effort leads to improvement. It’s crucial to emphasize that many individuals desire rewards without investing the necessary work. Excuses surface when expectations are unmet, and self-blame is avoided. Want a 6-figure career? Cultivate a 7-figure work ethic. Dreaming of a 7-figure home? Craft an 8-figure game plan. Dreaming alone won’t suffice; it’s essential to start living the dream by taking actionable steps.
Embarking on this journey will be challenging, and the temptation to quit will arise. Resist that urge! Years, perhaps a decade or two, may pass, but one day in the distant future, success will materialize.
While motivation serves as a temporary solution, discipline stands as the ultimate pathway to achieving the highest levels of success. Discipline requires doing what needs to be done consistently, regardless of motivation, weather, or mood—constantly and unwaveringly. In 2024, consider it the genesis of the new you. Motivation alone won’t carry you to your goals; it’s discipline that will. Are you prepared? If so, let your actions speak louder than words.