
      I owe 100% of my success to the struggle. Stop and think about everything you have. How did you achieve it? Was it easy? In my case nothing I have came instant or without suffering in some manners. Many of my nightmares I truly lived. Were the experiences fun? HELL to the NO. However, they built everything I am standing on today. Everytime I hit a wall, which is often, I look at the obstacles I have overcome thus far and without hesitation I continue to move forward and up. Remember forward and up requires work. Going down hill is easy. Gravity will assist you. Add some wheels and you will be at the bottom quick!
      I was listening to an Ed Mylet Podcast the other day and his guess was Tony Robbins. He said something that hit me like a migraine on a court day. He referred to the economic times we are currently going through as the winter. He went on to talk about how people ski, snowboard and ice skate in the winter while others just stay in, afraid and live in fear. I was like damn! That was me. I never skied as an adult because I never did as a child and I didn’t like the cold. But, now listen… When I was a kid I was outside sleigh riding and playing in the snow until I was so cold that I swore I had frostbite. I did not care about the cold because my objective was to have fun. I did, despite freezing, in fact I recall sleigh riding for hours with no gloves because I lost mine. I used socks to keep my hand warm. NOT warm at all.
      The winter he was talking about was not a literal winter as I described above. So, I want to unpack what he was saying. Winter is a tough economic time. Jobs are lost and changes are pushing out the normal way of life introducing a new way of life. This happens all the time throughout history. Example, the record player, to the 8-track to the cassette tape, to the CD, to the MP3 player to the cell phone. Each change was an adjustment. Those who were ahead of the game won and sometimes won big. Those that tried to stay with the current technology that was being bypassed often ended up losing and losing big. When was the last time you saw a DJ using CD’s?30 years ago that was the norm. Even then you would still see DJ’s using records. Do you understand what I am saying? As the way we live shifts, so will the way people make money and spend money.
      This winter season is predicted to be 5 to 10 years. Many people will live in fear and not take risks, not trying to grow and not living their life trying to achieve their goals. They will wait for someone to find the solution. They will depend on the government, politicians, and the media for their comfort. Meaning they will not be in control of their destination. They will be the complainers and the one blaming the people in control for their position in life. These people are good, hard working people. They are just afraid of the unknown. I was that person. I was afraid of not having a fixed income or a fixed life. Hitting rock bottom and surviving twice has taught me that job security and a retirement does not protect you from financial struggles. As long as you work for someone else, you are not in control of your income. They can end it at any time. Remember that!

      This is how we perceive the winter. I look at it as this great wall. I see a wall in which you can see the top, and nothing else. You can not see what’s on the other side. As you climb this wall it becomes more difficult. You can spend 2 years climbing and be where you started in a flash. If you quit, all that time invested is wasted. In many cases, it is all or nothing. This wall may have rolling hills, you make go up 10 feet to go down 25 feet. What’s important is that you keep climbing. People will say you are crazy, you will have doubt, you will cry, you may even wish you never started to climb this wall. Then, when you least expect it, you reach the peak. The land of opportunity. The side of the wall you just climbed is busy, full of people that are waiting for someone to save them. Millions of people. On the other side there are the individuals who you looked up to and inspired to be like one day in the land of opportunity. Which side do you want to be on? There is no progress, without struggle. Frederick Douglass said that and that is all I know. Struggle: I now embrace it!

      The choice is all yours. During the winter you can be comfortable in the warmth of your home and complain about the cost of the heating bill. You can endure the cold of winter and deal with the conditions and snowboard and play ice hockey. Be Aware that those who wait get served last. If you want to better yourself you must learn to deal with life during all seasons. The winter may not be the most enjoyable season to you, learning to make progress during that time will allow you to spring into the summer on top instead of falling due to the winter. Read that a few times and say that you get it!!

Thank you for reading
Your Friend