My circle, The power of the Mat!

As I stood on the mat, rooted yet weightless amidst the palpable energy, my mind embarked on a journey. Nine men, all of color on this particular day, were poised to enter tranquility alongside me. I am both a student and a teacher of yoga, still navigating the novice levels, yet to some in the group, I appeared as an expert. Our class unfolds in segments, each spanning 10-15 minutes, with every yogi taking their turn to lead. Each individual possesses a unique profundity that imbues the room with a radiant energy that inspires.
As I awaited my turn, I glanced around the room, struck by the remarkable men surrounding me. Three were newly acquainted, their introductions exuding an aura that instantly captured my attention. One regards me as a mentor, young enough to be my son. Two others have been constants in my life for nearly three decades. And then there’s the man I fondly call “the tree,” a figure whispered about in mutual circles for over a decade, whose recent collaboration with me brought immense joy. In that moment, I was in awe, elevated by the sheer magnificence of the company I kept.

Taking a deep breath, I embarked on my practice. As the experience flowed, my subconscious ventured beyond the confines of the mat, entering a realm where teaching, speaking, and contemplating occurred effortlessly. I found myself pondering the question: How did I, a child led astray, opt for the path of least resistanceβ€”the path of excuses and negativityβ€”and arrive at this moment of clarity and strength?
Tears of joy traced their path down my cheek as I ascended into a tall tree pose, sweat mirroring the emotions within. Though outwardly composed, inwardly I relived moments of being stuck, akin to a truck on cinder blocks, immobilized by my own inertia. But unlike before, I now understood that my savior was within me all along. The superheroes of my youthβ€”coaches, my grandfather, my mother, and peersβ€”had bestowed upon me the tools to soar, yet I had chosen the safety of the ground.
As I gazed upward in upward dog, glimpsing into my future filled with growth and camaraderie, I realized the power of self-belief. No longer tethered by self-doubt, I now embody leadership, sometimes guiding, sometimes being guided by fellow leaders. In the humble posture of downward dog, I glimpsed my past as a lesson, a reminder of the journey that led me to stand among these extraordinary men.

My circle is not merely a collection of individuals but a tapestry woven with ideas, programs, and mental wealth, bound together by love. Within this circle, we unabashedly express our love for one another, understanding its transformative power. I am immensely proud of the men who surround me; they anchor me to my true self. In a circle of greatness, there are no limits to what we can achieve. Take a moment to reflect on your circle. Does it elevate you? Does it challenge you? Does it inspire you? If not, it’s time to find one that does and spin within its embrace.

Thank you for journeying with me,
Your friend, Wakime